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Performance equestrian surfaces
All weather surfaces
Rubber chip is an economy product designed for either a top up to an existing tired surface or as part of our combi surface.
It is great for someone who maybe has a deep sand surface that needs some stability or even a tired surface just needed a boost on a budget.
Supplied in bags that you offload and lay on your pre-prepared surface base and are 99.9% contamination-free
● Drainage friendly
● 100% Recycled Rubber
● Performance impact
● Low Maintenance
● Frost resistant
● Minimal dust
● 20 year plus lifespan
RubberChip is a performance-based surface. Which consists of automotive rubber which increases performance. This can be installed as a completely new surface.
● As a complete new surface
● For all disciplines
● As a gallop
● As a canter ring
● As a lunge pen