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All weather based equestrian surfaces
All weather surfaces
Standalone pro fibre surface is ideal for gallops, ménages and arenas. This product has been developed by racehorse owners and breeders to a specification that is consistent with what they would use for
their own horses. Standalone pro fibre surface is made from all recycled fibres 99.9% contamination free

● All weather surface
● Drainage friendly
● 100% Recycled Fibres withbinding agent
● Performance impact
● Low Maintenance - rolling needed
● Frost resistant
● Minimal dust
● 20 year plus lifespan
Standalone pro fibre surface is perfect for all arenas, ménages, and gallops. It can be used as a sand or rubber replacement. This surface works well independently or as a base surface to go underneath the Gtech fibre topper.
Standalone pro fibre surface can be used in a number of ways to help you gain that performance edge.
● Will reduce deep riding
● Can be used as a complete new surface
● Improves fitness
● Increases strength
● Improves topline