Let's get to the point
Carpet Gallop Ltd is the UK's largest supplier of fibre based surfaces with our range of surfaces. In addition to the use of recycled fibres we offer alternatives including sand based products. Carpet fibre supplied by our restructured supply chain has and will comply with the changes proposed and also Carpet Gallop Ltd and the majority of the suppliers in the UK are able to comply with the changes.
Not one organisation who wishes to still supply these products has not agreed or supported the changes. The industry welcomes the changes and is actively working with the Environment Agency to ensure the responsible use of fibres in equestrian surfaces. Many including Carpet Gallop are involved in a working group lead by Carpet Recycling UK. Change is required in the manufacturing process to improve quality which will have an impact on the costs of production. Our supply chain has since September gone through new manufacturing changes and investment in improved processes.
Many who like to knock the fibre surfaces are often driven by various reasons not to mention commercial advantage rather than focusing on the strong benefits to the equines and people using the products.
Carpet Gallop Ltd supplies over 1000 surfaces every year and in March 2020 became an independent business taking full ownership of the Carpet Gallop brand. The business will continue both in the UK and our European offices. We now operate in Cyprus, Spain, France, Ireland, Germany, Netherlands and the Czech Republic. We have continued to grow and expect this growth to continue. This is the statement from Carpet Recycling UK. Carpet Recycling UK (CRUK) is a non-profit trade association set up in 2008 to help the sector to use carpet waste as a resource and divert waste from landfill.
Carpet fibre in equestrian surfaces has grown in popularity and volume, as many of your readers will know, and understand there are advantages for using this kind of fibre relating to durability and performance as well as cushioning qualities. DEFRA and the Environment Agency are currently examining the Low-Risk Waste Position 43 (LRWP43) framework in which carpet fibres can be used for this market to ensure safety to the environment. CRUK were approached in September 2020 by the EA and advised of the withdrawal of the LRWP43.
The EA expressed an interest in working with CRUK and the sector to learn more about carpet waste being used for equine surfaces. As an independent organisation, 4 CRUK is in a strong position to help the EA and the carpet sector through discussion and demonstration of testing for pollutants and micro-plastics, and successfully had the initial transitional period extended from 3 to 6 months, which is due to end on the 17 June 2021.
We understand currently there is no requirement to uplift existing surfaces or to stop supplying to the market before the end of this date. Through the setting up of a ‘working group’ CRUK is talking to and will continue to speak to the sector and the EA, seeking for a favourable outcome for both, to help with tightening standards and quality relating to the use of carpet fibres in equestrian surfaces. Our aim is to demonstrate best practice and produce standards for all involved in the supply chain. For any further information, please contact info@carpetrecyclinguk.com